We are honored to have been awarded ‘Best Paper’ by ACM, Association for Computing Machinery, at EuroSys21 for our work on “Unikraft: Fast, Specialized Unikernels the Easy Way”
This as been an incredible amount of work from over the last year, with an incredible team of people including Simon Kuenzer, Vlad-Andrei Bădoiu, Hugo Lefeuvre, Sharan Santhanam, Alexander Jung, Gaulthier Gain, Cyril Soldani, Costin Lupu, Lucian-Stefan Teodorescu, Costi Răducanu, Cristian Banu, Laurent Mathy, Răzvan Deaconescu, Costin Raiciu, Felipe Huici and many more contributors from the open-source community!
We have made our paper open access. Find it here:
Please check out also our artifacts for the paper: