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Unikraft Cloud CLI

Manage resources on Unikraft Cloud.

Learn more & sign up at

Quickly switch between metros using the --metro flag or use the UKC_METRO environmental variable.

Set authentication by using kraft login or set UKC_TOKEN environmental variable.

kraft cloud [FLAGS] [SUBCOMMAND|DIR]


# List all images in your account
$ kraft cloud image list
# List all instances in Frankfurt
$ kraft cloud --metro fra0 instance list
# Create a new NGINX instance in Frankfurt and start it immediately
$ kraft cloud --metro fra0 instance create -S \
-p 80:443/http+redirect \
-p 443:8080/http+tls \
# Get the status of an instance based on its UUID and output as JSON
$ kraft cloud --metro fra0 instance status -o json UUID
# Stop an instance based on its UUID
$ kraft cloud instance stop UUID
# Start an instance based on its UUID
$ kraft cloud instance start UUID
# Get logs of an instance based on its UUID
$ kraft cloud instance logs UUID
# Delete an instance based on its UUID
$ kraft cloud instance remove UUID


-h, --help help for cloud
--metro string Unikraft Cloud metro location
--token string Unikraft Cloud access token


The kraft cloud command can also be run as:


See Also