kraft cloud volume import [FLAGS]
# Import data from a local directory "path/to/data" to a volume named "my-volume"$ kraft cloud volume import --source path/to/data --volume my-volume # Import data from a local Dockerfile "path/to/Dockerfile" to a volume named "my-volume"$ kraft cloud volume import --source path/to/Dockerfile --volume my-volume # Import data from a docker registry "" to a volume named "my-volume"$ kraft cloud volume import --source --volume my-volume # Import data from a local cpio file "path/to/file" to a volume named "my-volume"$ kraft cloud volume import --source path/to/file --volume my-volume
-f, --force Force import, even if it might fail -h, --help help for import --image string Volume import image to use (default "official/utils/volimport:latest") -s, --source string Path to the data source (directory, Dockerfile, Docker link, cpio file) (default ".") -t, --timeout uint Timeout for the import process in seconds when unresponsive (default 10) -v, --volume string Identifier of an existing volume (name or UUID)
--metro string Unikraft Cloud metro location --token string Unikraft Cloud access token
kraft cloud volume