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kraft cloud instance remove

Remove a KraftCloud instance.

kraft cloud instance remove [FLAGS] [UUID|NAME [UUID|NAME]...]


# Remove an instance by UUID
$ kraft cloud instance remove fd1684ea-7970-4994-92d6-61dcc7905f2b
# Remove an instance by name
$ kraft cloud instance remove my-instance-431342
# Remove multiple instances
$ kraft cloud instance remove my-instance-431342 my-instance-other-2313
# Remove all instances
$ kraft cloud instance remove --all
# Remove all stopped instances
$ kraft cloud instance remove --stopped


-a, --all Remove all instances
-h, --help help for remove
-s, --stopped Remove all stopped instances

Options inherited from parent commands

--metro string Unikraft Cloud metro location
--token string Unikraft Cloud access token


The kraft cloud instance remove command can also be run as:

del, delete, rm

See Also