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kraft cloud img remove

Remove an image for your account.

kraft cloud img remove [FLAGS] [USER/]NAME[:latest|@sha256:...]


# Remove an image from your account.
$ kraft cloud image remove caddy
# Remove an image from your account by tag.
$ kraft cloud image remove caddy:latest
# Remove an image from your account by digest.
$ kraft cloud image remove caddy@sha256:2ba5324141...
# Remove an image from your account with user.
$ kraft cloud image remove user/caddy
# Remove multiple images from your account.
$ kraft cloud image remove caddy:latest nginx:latest caddy:other-latest
# Remove all images from your account.
$ kraft cloud image remove --all


--all Remove all images
-h, --help help for remove

Options inherited from parent commands

--metro string Unikraft Cloud metro location
--token string Unikraft Cloud access token


The kraft cloud img remove command can also be run as:

rm, delete, del

See Also